Okay...so, like most parents who wish away babyhood, and then are sad when that wish seems to have come true...that's the "ah-ha" moment I had today. Amazing how mother nature can erase those early hospital homecoming sleep deprived horror months like they almost didn't happen. When you're in the midst of it all, having your fingernails plucked out one at a time with no pain killers, seems almost humane...and preferable to the endless crying, demanding, wailing, frustrating, wine-drinking-even-though-you're-nursing, moments that seemed to go on and on and on and on. And then one day, you find, that what used to be your baby, is now some kid playing Nintendo DS and connecting with his cousins in a lego rendition of Star Wars complete with light sabers and R2D2. What's next? I feel like I'm on a white water rafting ride that just hit the level 5 rapids. Whoooooooosh! Down I go straight towards teenager-dome and out-of-the-house-dome. Oh the horrors of it all! Okay...calm down...drink some wine...and go in and check out the sleeping little 4 year old that fell asleep "playing" the DS who can only enter world One and jump around in there a bit. Sure he can get the light sabre out and hack away at a Darth Vadar made of linking animated blocks, but he's not really "playing" it. In fact, he's now traded it in for his coveted "v" blankie that is worn so thin it could be mistaken for an ancient pre-civil war hanky, but means much more to him than a small red box with blinking lights...At least for now...Sweet dreams...holding on to babyhood just a fraction longer.