I haven't been abducted by aliens, nor have I turned into a pumpkin...Just been a little busy. Wow, it's been awhile since my last post. I hadn't realized how long it had been. It's really the fault of facebook anyway. Kind of found myself in little banters back and forth and spent all my insomniac hours pitzing around in there. Clearly, I should have been blessing all my devoted bloggies (not sure the technical term for my groupies) with my words of wisdom. So, let's see, since my last post I took the kids to Seattle (this in itself deserves its own post, but since so much time has lapsed, we'll let it go), threw a fabulous masquerade ball party (that a few of my bloggies missed), and spent an entire weekend pretty much drunk as we celebrated my husbands 20 year high school reunion. Hats off to my BFF (and husband) who threw an awesome (see my 80's lingo thrown in here) party. Usually, when I attend a party, I peeter out around midnight. Yes, I do see the correlation between myself and Cinderella. I was having a great time when the acoustic player said his good nights. I thought to myself, we'll that sucks, he's done so early (thinking it had to be pre-midnight since I hadn't started turning into a pumpkin yet). When I looked at my watch I couldn't believe it was after 2am. Whoo-hoo! Maybe I'm not so old after all! It took us another hour to catch a cab home which basically consisted of me pacing, my husband watching, our friend J squishing his wife M as he snored face down pinning her into a chair while she shrugged and asked if we could just leave him and pick him up in the morning. Cab came, got home, paid sitter an exorbitant amount of money (part of it being bribe money to please return and watch the children again), got in bed and fell asleep for about 3 hours before the little people that live in our house were up and at 'em. Thank goodness Sonic serves cheeseburgers, onion rings, fries, and giant 44 oz cokes in the morning! All in all, great times these last few weeks, and I really will try to post more often now that I know my bloggies miss me!