I know I'm not the only one who feels like they are constantly trying to run up a 20 foot slide that has been newly iced over. I get my thoughts together, I ball up my fists, I scrunch my brow and focus...focus... I get about two step in when my feet slip, my body crashes down, and next thing I know there I am at the bottom again. At the bottom again with nothing accomplished. So, I move on. This time to the gerbil wheel. Around and around and around. The same thing over and over. Just when I feel like I'm getting somewhere...I'm back where I started. And of course, Groundhog Day. Didn't I just to the exact same thing yesterday? How did all this laundry get here? Where did the sink go under all these dishes? And the dust bunnies! How did they find their way back so quickly???
So, here's to getting up early...and having a better day today...