I get the majority of my news from my YAHOO homepage. This isn't because I think it is a reputable news source, its because by the time I get to the kitchen and sip the first of my coffee, the kids have already attacked and the only possible hope of a second peaceful sip is to quickly turn on anything Disney. Which in turn has me firing up my Droid to see if anyone gives a shit and has sent me an email outside of trying to sell me Viagra or those annoying lose all your luck and your life's going to pot of you don't forward this chain email to your closest 1000 friends.
Today, Angelina Jolie was staring back at me with some crappy story about how her daughter wants to be a boy. Whatever. No matter your opinion of Jolie, she really is stunning. The thing I admire most about her is her "this is what you get" attitude. I love that. I want to be that. For now, I'll have to just read stories about her and catch some pics when she tops the YAHOO headlines. One day, I'll get to the "this is what you get" stage. No, really, all you nay-sayers...I will. Plus, I think tattoos are really cool...