Okay, so I don't have anything exciting to say today, but I did have a friend tell me that I need to post more (you know who you are melon-baller), so clearly this post is about quantity rather than quality. Well, I take that back because its a given that any words that pass from my fingers to the keyboard are nothing but quality. So, here's quality served up in quantity. There...that sounds better.
So, it's September tomorrow and Labor Day. The official end of summer. While some of you pull out your hankies to dry your tears, I will gladly wave my fall leaf flag. NO MORE BATHING SUITS! No more sucking it in! (Well, noticeably anyway...) It's time for jeans with big sweaters to hide muffin tops. I can finally get the chisel out to get off the 40 layers of nail polish on my toes. My peds can hide under socks and Danskos until next year. Brisk mornings. Hot steaming coffee. Soup. So, here's my farewell to the hot humid days and welcome...welcome...my FALL. Of course until I get sick of the cold, rain, cold hands, cold car, cold seats in my car until the seat warmers start working, cold fingers on children that find their way under the layers to my warm skin, cold baby noses that never stop running, flu, vomiting virus, contagious anything, being cramped up in the house because its too cold to do anything, cold dogs with wet muddy feet, did I say vomiting virus?...by the way...is it summer yet?
So, it's September tomorrow and Labor Day. The official end of summer. While some of you pull out your hankies to dry your tears, I will gladly wave my fall leaf flag. NO MORE BATHING SUITS! No more sucking it in! (Well, noticeably anyway...) It's time for jeans with big sweaters to hide muffin tops. I can finally get the chisel out to get off the 40 layers of nail polish on my toes. My peds can hide under socks and Danskos until next year. Brisk mornings. Hot steaming coffee. Soup. So, here's my farewell to the hot humid days and welcome...welcome...my FALL. Of course until I get sick of the cold, rain, cold hands, cold car, cold seats in my car until the seat warmers start working, cold fingers on children that find their way under the layers to my warm skin, cold baby noses that never stop running, flu, vomiting virus, contagious anything, being cramped up in the house because its too cold to do anything, cold dogs with wet muddy feet, did I say vomiting virus?...by the way...is it summer yet?