Day 1: Arrived at our home away from home in complete style being chauffeured in a black suv and black sedan by the russians. Very Hollywood. Bedrooms were already assigned so after a quick survey of the grounds we dumped our bags and then reconvened for a "wooohooo" cocktail. Our roles on this trip quickly became apparent. Within the hour D & I were off to the corner grocery to stock up on much needed supplies. We were just getting the basics...you know, beer, wine, lettuce, chips, bacon, tape, etc. and for over an hour we stuffed all kinds of things into two carts as we wondered aimlessly around. Note to group: D & Audra not allowed to grocery shop together again. Gone for long time and spent lots of money. But, we figured we'd put our time in early and next time it was someone elses turn. Got carload full of supplies home and unpacked. Next...let's go into town! We were about a 10 minute car ride away from downtown Jackson. We went for a burger at the Silver Dollar bar and then wandered over to the Cadillac. Digestive and heartburn issues seemed to make their way around our group and the first one under attack was T. Her tight corset shirt didn't seem to be helping her issue, so as the good...I mean unbelievably good...friend I am I offered to switch with her so she could wear my loose, comfy, black shirt. Into the bathroom we go and switched. Thankfully we were in a bar and I was able to request some bacon grease to help squeeze me into the thing. No wonder she had heartburn! I am happy to report it was a size 2, so was worth not being able to breath just to say that. J had gone to get heartburn relief at the nearest store which was forever away and by the time he returned, he was overheated and feeling bad. So, we all laid down in the park for a quick rest before participating in some tight rope walking. Then, home we went. Can't remember what we did for dinner this night.
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