I am so seething mad today I can hardly stand it. I'm probably more upset at me for allowing myself to get pressured into a bad situation that I will clearly regret for at least 6 months (or however long it takes to regrow inches off a child's sweet head of hair). Some people should be banned from handling scissors and/or clippers when a male child under the age of 5 is involved. These people specifically have a red and blue striped pole twirling outside their place of business. They should be required to place a disclaimer outside their shop stating that they are "mother approved" for the first haircut ONLY which basically consists of just lobbing off that one little curl to wrap in cellophane and place in the baby book for eternity, that could be performed at home but because it is a boy it needs to be performed in a daddy approved man place like a barber shop. After that, barber shops should be required to turn away any child who is under 5...unless they are dressed in camo from head to toe and sporting a rifle over their shoulder complete with a spit tobacco swollen lip...Only then should a barber be allowed to rev up his clippers (because ONE its a given lifetime high and tight, and TWO his mom clearly is not dressing him in coveralls and planning to take his Christmas card picture any time soon.) So, my poor baby looks like crap. I hate his hair. I cried today over lost babyhood. It was pitiful. My older son asked me if I was done crying and (clearly preparing him for husbandhood later on in life) I told him NO, I needed to cry over D's terrible haircut some more. So, here's my lesson I learned today and the one I pass on to all my fellow bloggies. DO NOT let anyone who is associated with a barber shop come anywhere near your baby unless you are prepared for all those sweet locks to be lopped off without a care in the world. It truly is heartbreaking...and horrible...I wish it had been my head. : ( Be warned. ; )
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