Please do not try this. These are very important steps. If you try to complicate them, change them, or reorder them, then disaster will be imminent.
Step 1: Wake up 6am
Step 2: Let out dog
Step 3: Make large pot of coffee.
Step 4: Feed dog.
Step 5: Feed kids.
Step 6: Pack lunches
Step 7: Dress kids (also includes changing diapers)
Step 8: Chase kids to car.
Step 9: Take kids to school.
Step 10: The only allowable varied step. Sub-steps include grocery shopping, dry clean picking up, or other errand running, or straight home to clean.
Step 11: Pick kids up from school.
Step 12: Feed kids lunch
Step 13: Read to kids
Step 14: Put one kid down for nap.
Step 15: Play
Step 16: Do dishes leftover from breakfast and laundry piled up.
Step 17: Shuttle to afternoon activities.
Step 18: Feed kids dinner.
Step 19: Give kids bath.
Step 20: Put kids to bed.
Step 21: Feed dog.
Step 22: Let dog out.
Step 23: Go to bed.
Step 24: Repeat...from step 1.
Occasional optional allowable steps: Step 4a: shower (only required after 3 full days have lapsed). Step 11a: Stop at McDonald's first. And not more than 2 times a month per every 2 months Step 21a: board meetings for volunteer activities and Step 21b: Book club evening out with girls.
Required non-stop additional steps: Step 1a-21b: Play Star-Wars.
Do not try this at home. I am a professional.
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