The other day I got an invitation to play tennis. Yes, tennis. In my desperation to have any adult time (bonus - add in a little calorie burning), I accepted. I don't play tennis. I have never played tennis. I have absolutely no formal training in tennis at ALL.
So, hoping I wouldn't instantly crush any chance at three new friends, I scrapped together an outfit I thought suitable for my first appearance on the court. I found some all purpose leggings that can go athletic or black tie, dusted off a workout skort I found in the back of my closet, located some tennis shoes that didn't have a black bottom (see, at least I knew this much), and fished out one of my riding/golf shirts...which I think are all about the same, they just change the little logo for the sport they're selling for (all equally ridiculously expensive...). I was ready.
Got to the athletic club and met the crew. I instantly announced my lack of experience just so we were all clear that tournament bound we would not be any time soon with me as the new addition. Seemed to not be a problem. Pro showed up handed me a racket and asked me what sort of tennis experience I had.
Oh boy...none. None? None...Have you every hit a ball? Like, just hit one with a racket? Sure! It looked more like I was playing baseball hitting fly balls, but YES I have hit a tennis ball. Ok...let's go.
Long story short...I'll have to give kudos, where kudos are due (they are fat-free of course). My BFF back in RMT is a super duper tennis star. If it weren't for her, I would bypass tennis matches on TV as fast as I flip past CSPAN. But, since I felt a pull to understand her world a little more, I made it a point to watch and learn. So, even though my serve is laughable, my backhand is "extremely underdeveloped", and my forehand is 50/50, I can at least keep score, know where the lines are and what they mean, I can talk like I know what the hell I'm doing, and I know who S. Williams is (which I think...poor thing...could use a B reduck too - I'm with ya girl!!!) (So, thx, my friend...)
Well, after all was said and done, I wasn't as bad as I thought, and it looks like I can keep up with my new friends S,J, and M (at least they invited me back again). Overall, I had a really good time and enjoyed tennis. So, a little adult time, $3 an hour child care for Dalton, and some exercise...I think tennis is FAB!
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