Question: "How many times during a baseball game does the catcher get gassed?"
Audra's Answer:
Clearly when you are raising two boys there is bound to be an orchestra of bodily noises playing during a good part of the day. Therefore, burps and farts are just a normal part of my world. For those of you with girls, or who are just a little prudish, you may be reading this with your mouth gaped open thinking "and she seems so polite and proper to write about such things". Boy moms are all nodding with a small smile on their face.
So, with that, back to the question at hand. Baseball players are not really known for their "Emily Post-Like" manners on the field. The spitting, the chewing, the sunflower seed spitting. So naturally, bodily noises are a part of the game too. Just think of the effort a baseball player uses when he swings a wooden bat at a hard ball traveling towards his face going mach 1. It's rapid response with alot of force. He's standing with his legs spread, his bottom (we're not allowed to say butt in this house) extended, and he's exerting force. a+b=c.
Now if you think about it, there is a man squatting right behind him as all this is going on. Bless him.
And, I bet some batters just do it on purpose because there is an enemy's nose inches from his derriere.
So, to answer the question... LOTS!
And for the record, I have turned into quite the baseball fan. After totally screwing up a year ago by not wearing red on opening day, I redeemed both the boys and I this year. Cardinals attire from head to toe. And yes, that's me with some Cardinals baseball boys.
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