Put down your pitchforks!!! I know...I know...I have totally missed days of blogging. Like your favorite TV drama when writers go on strike, it is the biggest downer when the next episode fails to emerge. And I was on such daily roll... Oh, well, I do have a good excuse. I was abducted by aliens. Little ones. It's all a little hazy. There were two of them. One was smaller and spoke an interesting language that must have a base in English because every once in a while I understood a word interwoven through the babble. The little one had crazy hair and had an awful stench. The bigger one was quiet (or maybe that just seemed the case compared to the little one who was SO loud.) They carried me away and took up so much of my time it was just impossible to get to the computer! I'm still trying to figure out why they insist on calling me "mama" and why they are still here. I do like them though. They're kind of cute! I did snap off a picture of the little one so you can all see! I was safely on the other side of the fence so he couldn't get me.
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