Okay, so I've been wanting to start a blog for some time. Whether anyone will read it or not...well, I guess I'll have no idea if noone is reading it, but just for the sake of s&g's, we'll pretend this is the number one blog stop on the web and TONS of people are reading this. Think of me like your morning cup of coffee...got to have it first thing or your whole day is shot.
So, you're wondering, what happened in my gerbil wheel life that launched me off of "thinking of blogging" to actually signing up and doing it? A trip to the BELMONT Stakes baby! So, instead of repeating the story 18,000 times (not that I don't love telling it), I figured I would detail it once and you can all read about it over and over because the story is just so great...btw envying me is okay.
So, here it is...went to dinner with some close friends for my birthday (unbelievable how many times one can turn 29) friday night. There was some wine flowing and as far as I can remember there were possibly some hard liquor drinks and perhaps a beer or two as well. We somehow got on the subject of Big Brown and the fact there hadn't been (and still hasn't been) a Triple Crown winner in over 30 years. Long story short (don't worry, I won't skimp on most details), next thing I know we're told if we can get tickets, we have a ride up to NY! So, home we go in the wee hours of the morning (I am drunk calling my old cronies at the BH thinking surely someone will check their voicemail at 11:30 on a Friday night, hunting for coveted Belmont tickets.) Next morning, wandering through a haze of post-big-night-early-children-risers hell, we got the confirmation that we weren't dreaming or high-fiving drunk talking, this trip was FOR REAL! I frantically pulled out my baby-sitter arsenal list and starting speed dialing numbers desperate for child care. At one point, things were looking a bit slim, so I considered just randomly calling people out of the phone book, but then I thought I may not have access to TV broadcast of the race in my jail cell, so I quickly reconsidered. Out of pure desperation, I called my neighbor to watch first shift from 12-3. Luckily for me, they are big race fans and I pulled my Belmont card out at the opportune moment, and Mrs. E. caved and committed.
Child care...check.
So, you're wondering, what happened in my gerbil wheel life that launched me off of "thinking of blogging" to actually signing up and doing it? A trip to the BELMONT Stakes baby! So, instead of repeating the story 18,000 times (not that I don't love telling it), I figured I would detail it once and you can all read about it over and over because the story is just so great...btw envying me is okay.
So, here it is...went to dinner with some close friends for my birthday (unbelievable how many times one can turn 29) friday night. There was some wine flowing and as far as I can remember there were possibly some hard liquor drinks and perhaps a beer or two as well. We somehow got on the subject of Big Brown and the fact there hadn't been (and still hasn't been) a Triple Crown winner in over 30 years. Long story short (don't worry, I won't skimp on most details), next thing I know we're told if we can get tickets, we have a ride up to NY! So, home we go in the wee hours of the morning (I am drunk calling my old cronies at the BH thinking surely someone will check their voicemail at 11:30 on a Friday night, hunting for coveted Belmont tickets.) Next morning, wandering through a haze of post-big-night-early-children-risers hell, we got the confirmation that we weren't dreaming or high-fiving drunk talking, this trip was FOR REAL! I frantically pulled out my baby-sitter arsenal list and starting speed dialing numbers desperate for child care. At one point, things were looking a bit slim, so I considered just randomly calling people out of the phone book, but then I thought I may not have access to TV broadcast of the race in my jail cell, so I quickly reconsidered. Out of pure desperation, I called my neighbor to watch first shift from 12-3. Luckily for me, they are big race fans and I pulled my Belmont card out at the opportune moment, and Mrs. E. caved and committed.
Child care...check.
Next, oh, just GO! Jumped in the car with a cooler full of beer and champagne and went to the local airport to meet our private jet. Walked out on the tarmac and hopped right in (after my dorky 50 pictures I had to take). I just wasn't made to fly commercial. Anyway, arrived with a waiting town car, went to pick up our tickets at a stubhub location, and off to the races we went (with our friends J & C too). Got to the track in time for race #7. Didn't win a damn thing on my sorry bet, but it was fun. I have no idea where I was for race #8. Race #9, my husband tipped an usher and explained to him that I just HAD to see this race, and we scooted down to front row seats on level 2 - right at the finish line. Race went off, lost bet again (I've totally lost my touch since leaving LEX...). Now, there is one more race and then the Belmont Stakes race. J said place all bets for the rest of the time, and let's to sit back down in our non-seats. (Our seats were way the hell down by the quarter pole and were on the third level). So, we scoot right on back through and go down to our "seats" again, which by the way, HAD to be about the best seats in the house! Race #10 goes off...yes, lost another one...and then we sat...and sat...and waited to get our butts kicked out of our seats...and people started filling in around us...but we sat...and owned those seats...and we sat...5 mtp...(that's minutes to post for you non-racey readers)...3 mtp...more people filling in around us...1 mtp...0...we did it! We were in a corporate block and nobody knew we had nothing to do with the company that bought the block!
Anyway, as you all know, Big Brown was a big loser, and the only history we witnessed was there has never been a Triple Crown contender that finished last! Oh, well, there are many more details to the story, but this is the gist of it. Okay, one more, I had to walk what felt like a thousand miles on my 2 day-post surgery foot (this is another story altogether!!!)
So, there you have it. Pretty much the story. And just for the record...I am pretty fabulous! I'll see if I can figure out how to post photos too... Keep with me, I'm just learning!