Friday, February 27, 2009

Boy Scouts (and mommies) Say Always Be Prepared

Be prepared...I was...

Well, after months of scavenging used North Face shell jackets and Patagonia pants in miniature on ebay, trips to sporting goods stores desperate to find snow gloves, and paying shipping from faraway stores in Montana (where it actually snows in February and the stores still stock these items...unlike here where the bikinis are already dismally displaying themselves front and center on the racks), I was ready to goto the mountains this weekend. Emerson looked so cute in his ski outfit complete with his NF shell and his Obermeyer insulated (which I proudly esniped at the last minute) jackets - you know in case it was 18 degrees or 50 degress he was all set.

Dalton luckily was able to squeeze into some old hand-me-downs and except for the fact he looked like a bad patchwork quilt, everything was covered and fit for the most part (poor second born). While his brother looks like a kid model for REI, he looks like a ski school dropout. Anyway, the important thing is, we were ready!

Now, for anyone that packs for more than oneself, and double this if there are any females involved (time and volume), packing for a winter trip takes minimum a full day. There's at least five lists involved here...1) clothes to pack 2) essentials to pack close by (ie diapers, cups, etc). 3) entertainment (including adding new playlist to ipod, buying new movies for car, testing DVD players, spending 30 minutes looking for the right cords) 4) other essentials (cameras, battery chargers, phone chargers, cell phones) 5) leaving home list (call animal sitter, etc), and 6) honey-do list. Now, remember, all of these tasks need to be performed under a continued attack of demands from children. Plus, time out for making lunch, cleaning up spilled self-help snack I was unaware of and was ultimately crushed into the carpet by the wheels of a suitcase, rescue flushing toilets, diffuse arguments over a toy that hasn't been touched in 3 months by either child, investigate loud CRASH sound, time time-outs...and this is just naming a few. Packing for a trip is like preparing for a year end meeting. If you leave out a crucial detail, it could derail the whole thing. Now, imagine preparing for that meeting without a door on your office. Well, at least, there's Walmart for anything I might forget to pack...while a meeting...well you would just be screwed.

So, here we were. All packed. Ready...set...SICK! Aaaaaa! Nothing like a child waking with a 101 degree fever and complaining of tummy troubles. There is nothing more frightening to a mother's ears than digestive issues which more than likely will result in the dreaded vomiting virus. So, all my efforts are still, for the most part, packed in the car a day and a half later. I guess the bright side of this is it could have been worse. Vomit in a car...well, you may as well go through the car wash with the windows down...

Anyway, so we are sad we missed the Wintergreen trip. Hope all of you who went are having a great time!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lots to say...Little time... my post for today is read my other blog...(goto profile...then to boy crazy) because my newest soap box and crusade is to abolish the dated term "stay at home" mom. Will have something else for my general bloggies soon. ; )

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where or Where?

Where in the hell is the DELETE button??? My personal puzzle...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Economic Crisis Plan

Huh hmmm...(clearing throat and stepping on soap box)...I can single-handedly solve this whole financial crisis right now.
So, we have what I call a real "teething diaper" mess on our hands. A bunch of mumbo jumbo politicians trying to remember which hand to shake with and which one to wipe with, and just hope and pray they don't get them mixed up. There's so much finger pointing and back stabbing that - like a screaming toddler that belongs to you - you just tune it out and painfully wait it out until the end. So, let's take a look at this. We are in a recession. What does that mean? Basically, our economy is in swirl of water in the toilet. we're spinning around chasing tails and going down at the same time (to the sea of shit ultimately). So, how do we fix this? Well, the politicians think if you throw a big you-know-what in there (ie this "stimulus package") it will stop the swirling - which it will, but you all know what things look like when that happens. The panic immediately sets in as the swirl of water starts coming back up at you. You immidately fall to your knees to turn the emergency water shut off. Then its time to roll up your sleeves and pull out the plunger and the mop. So, while the "stimulus package" may stop the downward water swirl, it will ultimately look pretty for only a nanosecond before changing direction which only creates a whole set of new, bigger, problems.
My plan is more like calling a plumber in to just fix it in the first place. Enter...women.

What do we need to kick start the economy? Spenders. Who should the government give a stimulus to? Women. Simple math...A+B=C. Women will spend the money given to them, thus stimulating the economy. Ta da!
Clearly, my plan requires some tweaking, but let me sum it up like this. I would love the government to send me a check requiring me to go out and by some Prada's (which for the record I've never owned but would be fun to say I did someday) to save our country's economy.
You can make a contribution to my campaign when I announce my candidacy...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wishing I Could Do SOMETHING Right

Well...I guess the title of this post pretty much said it all. That's all folks!