Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Life Steps...Do not try this.

Please do not try this. These are very important steps. If you try to complicate them, change them, or reorder them, then disaster will be imminent.

Step 1: Wake up 6am
Step 2: Let out dog
Step 3: Make large pot of coffee.
Step 4: Feed dog.
Step 5: Feed kids.
Step 6: Pack lunches
Step 7: Dress kids (also includes changing diapers)
Step 8: Chase kids to car.
Step 9: Take kids to school.
Step 10: The only allowable varied step. Sub-steps include grocery shopping, dry clean picking up, or other errand running, or straight home to clean.
Step 11: Pick kids up from school.
Step 12: Feed kids lunch
Step 13: Read to kids
Step 14: Put one kid down for nap.
Step 15: Play
Step 16: Do dishes leftover from breakfast and laundry piled up.
Step 17: Shuttle to afternoon activities.
Step 18: Feed kids dinner.
Step 19: Give kids bath.
Step 20: Put kids to bed.
Step 21: Feed dog.
Step 22: Let dog out.
Step 23: Go to bed.

Step 24: Repeat...from step 1.

Occasional optional allowable steps: Step 4a: shower (only required after 3 full days have lapsed). Step 11a: Stop at McDonald's first. And not more than 2 times a month per every 2 months Step 21a: board meetings for volunteer activities and Step 21b: Book club evening out with girls.
Required non-stop additional steps: Step 1a-21b: Play Star-Wars.

Do not try this at home. I am a professional.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hands down today was one of the hardest days in my life. Today, Wilson felt like it was 5000 miles from Rocky Mount. The drive with Bandit was sad and beautiful at the same time. He stuck his head out the window and let his jowls flap in the wind for the last time. I turned around in my seat and watched his boxer slobber dirty up my windows and I didn't care. Just seeing his eyes slant against the wind was one of the most beautiful sights.

We fed him pieces of steak on the way. He licked his chops after each piece and awaited the next. We got to the vet and Jason and I were able to be with him through to the end.

I worry for Scarlett. She's never know life without him. Come to think of it, Jason and I have hardly known our life together without him too. I can still picture the day we got in the car after excessive research by me on the breed and breeder, and Jason turned to me and said we can't just go "look at" puppies. Was I prepared to come home with a dog?..We were newlyweds married only 6 months. We will celebrate 10 years this August. A lifetime...

I will miss Bandit so much. It's hard to sit here and type and not look over to see him passed out on the couch. The tears still come...but time will heal.

I got a few cards today that made may heart soar. For those of you who have been down this road before us, thank you for offering your comforting words. Believe me...they have meant the world...

As everything else, time will heal this tender wound. I was just so thankful to come home to a faceful of wet kisses from Scarlett. We will give her extra hugs and kisses and keep her close for we are so thankful she is in our life.

For those of you who haven't walked this road...eventually the time will come. I will not lie. It is awful. So, hug your dogs. Give them bones. Love on them like there is no tomorrow. Because it comes much faster than you can ever imagine...and we enjoyed a full life with our Bandit.

Run, Bandit, Run. Enjoy yourself. Frolic and jump...and be sure to do laps so fast your belly drags the ground. I love you and will miss you terribly. You were the perfect dog. God Bless my old friend.

I love you...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am so sad...Tomorrow we will say good-bye to our beloved Bandit. I can hardly keep it together. Normally, I have wit and humor pouring from me...but tonight its just tears...It's been a short nine years...

I am so thankful for the healthy, happy, romping, years Bandit has given our family. What a joyful dog. I will miss him so much. I will need such strength tomorrow...

It will be so hard to say good-bye...

I love you, Bandit. Thank you for always understanding me and never judging me. Thank you for always offering your wet nose and kisses to lick away my tears and your strong shoulder to lean on. You are a beautiful dog. I will cherish our special memories. May you now be able to run without stumbling, get up without falling, and be free from your physical frustrations. I look forward to running with you again someday...

May your crossing over the Rainbow Bridge be with only comfort and knowing how much you are loved and how much you will be missed...

I love you...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thankful Not Taking a Ride on The Vomit Comet

Ooooooooooooooooooo...there is nothing worse in the whole wide world than the dreaded vomiting virus. It is so awful, words (thankfully), can't fully describe the full horror of the illness. I just want to send out a broth-filled, bland diet, hello to my friends who have contacted this terrible sickness...and PLEASE...keep it to yourselves! I have no problem dropping off cases of Lysol to your homes...You know who you are...take care and see you in a few weeks! ; ) Get well soon my sickie friends...YUCK!