Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Back...

So much to write. I was swept up in Seattledom for 2 weeks. This means I only got minimal use of the computer for short spurts when my sweet sister-in-law was not online shopping for the latest in baby gear. (Go for the Bugaboo. You'll look cool at U-Village...)

So, more about that later...but just wanted to let all you faithful blog followers out there to know that I'm back and to expect regular posts again. ; )

Picture totally unrelated to post but isn't my Bandit dog cute? He's a love...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Love Hannah...don't love Hanna....

So, I'm pretty pissed off about this tropical mess named Hanna that is coming to visit tonight. I know, I know, be thankful she's not a swirling, angry, mommy-type, with a big "5" next to her name. But, all things equal, she's messed things up pretty good for me.

I was supposed to show my horse at my FIRST EVER first level dressage test tomorrow. Well, clearly, that has been canceled. And since I couldn't seem to find water wings that would fit my horse at the local Wal-Mart we couldn't go anyway. Instead, I am going to be holed up with three testosterone infused beings in a house while the deluge goes on outside. The walls will start closing in. All of a sudden our home will feel like a 50 square foot box with a locked lid. Anyway, I just want to be clear that while I'm definately not a fan of "Hanna", I am a big fan of "Hannah" as she is my fabulous niece.

One other note tonight. As bad as the reviews were, the new Star Wars movie is pretty cool. In fact, I totally recommend seeing it. If you decide to, I have the perfect companion for you. He's about 4 feet tall and the last show he can really handle is the 5:00. But, he will share is popcorn which is an added bonus. ; )

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Boxed Wine

For any of you who have not discovered boxed wine, you have not fully lived. This, next to the round wheel, is probably one of the best inventions the world as ever seen. I remember when I discreetly put my first box in my cart at Target. I placed it in the cart and then quickly mounded loaves of bread, pillows, clothing, and toys I didn't need, around it. I was praying I wouldn't run into anyone I knew at the dreadfully slow checkout. Thank goodness there was no "price check on boxed wine" announcement. I definitely would have covered my face and run out, leaving my cart and a confused cashier behind. Its like buying your first box of tampons or pregnancy test.

Now, opening a box of wine is very different than opening a bottle. To the novice boxer, it can be a bit intimidating as you don't want to mess up 4 bottles worth of succulent burgundy liquid (or pale yellow, depending on your poison). I think it took me over five minutes of reading and re-reading the instructions. Poke hole. Push in. Throw away dot. Don't throw away mouse hole piece or tear off. Pull out spigot. Close mouse hole piece over spigot. Tear off miniature foil covering opening. Grab glass. Place under spigot. Push lever and watch liquid pore in. Ta-da!

Now, once you have consumed whats about four bottles of wine (this of course depends on the box size, but who wastes time on itty bitty boxes. Boxed wine is for the serious wine drinker. Proceed with caution of you "dabble" in Boone's Farm or wine coolers. This could be dangerous territory for you.) the box will appear empty. You might hold your glass under the spigot and mash down with all your might on the button only to have a small trickle come out. This is when things get serious. You now must rip open the top of the box and proceed to "milk" the bag. This will get you a whole glass of wine thus instantly curing the building rage and putting you in a happy state.

I am now a box aficionado. It takes me less than 3 seconds to pop out the hole, pull out the spigot, return the mouse hole, remove the foil, pour, and sip. I proudly place the box in my cart even at the high end stores. If I could order the box at a restaurant, I probably would. Okay, probably not, but its pretty good. Embrace the box!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Letter Missing from the Alphabet!!!! ZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!

Okay, so "they" say it takes the average person about 7 minutes to fall asleep. What do "they" say about 7 hours? Here's my story: I officially closed my book and turned off the light at 10pm. Tossed and turned, got up, went to couch, read a bit, turned off light, got hot, got up, turned down a/c, back on couch, couldn't get comfortable, went to bathroom, got back in bed, laid there some more, light mysteriously turned on at 4:12, Dalton cried out at 4:23, got back up, window shopped on ebay for an hour, and now I'm writing in my blog (its 5:09am) just to get to first light so I can finally have this night over! Why can't I SLEEP? Now I'm going to spend my day feeling hung over and miserable because my brain didn't quite get the message that it was time to shut down and be quiet. Is this the start of insanity? (no comments from the peanut gallery please) Anyway, to all you people out there that border on narcolepsy and can pass out and enter REM with the TV blaring, I think you need to bow down to the sleep gods and be thankful you can enjoy those beautiful zzzzz's. Clearly, my alphabet has been cut to 25 letters as my zzzzz's are all lost. Hopefully, with a little help from Rite Aid OTC's, I may be able to find them again. ugh! It's now 5:16. I think I will make myself a pot of coffee and throw my riding clothes on and go wake up my horse. What time does it get light anyway?...