Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

So, I can't believe its already time for Tom Turkey to realize someone is going to take his donor card literally. Wow. Thanksgiving already. This truly is my favorite holiday. It's even better when you're pregnant (no, for the record, I am NOT), when you get to eat all you can, and have those not-so-flattering-but-noone-cares tummy panel pants. There's nothing better than over stuffing oneself with Thanksgiving trimmings and then have the tummy panel that allows even more room than you ever thought possible. Yes, I realize they DO make these types of garments in a non-maternity fashion, but I hope never to put upon my body. I'm thinking a dress might be the way to go this year. Not so great for chasing toddlers but you have to make sacrifices somewhere right? So, in true style of the Thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for my health, my family, and my abilities and talents. I am also thankful for mothers, fathers and children. I am thankful for doggies and horses, and cats only if they eat mice. I am thankful for brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and cousins and Leandro and cousins. Grandparents are great too especially if they change dirty diapers. I am thankful for babysitters. I am thankful for my friends especially if they read my blog. I'm very thankful for my devout bloggies...thanks for reading my crap. Lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day! ...I need a hug... ; )

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