Friday, January 16, 2009

Recent Travels

Why is it when I have two children, a 100 lb car seat, a dinosaur stroller (big and bulky and yes, that old), a diaper bag, a travel bag, dvd players, snacks, games, and a whole bunch of other crap to get from point A to point B, travel doesn't go very smoothly? For instance, summer of 07 I took my sweet kids (ages 3 and 9 months) to Seattle. This idea, in itself, can make the faint of heart turn white and collapse. However, I, with my good idea jeans on, decided to go forth. Long story short, we got delayed for 4 hours in Raleigh - 2 at the gate and 2 on the tarmac in a 90 degree plane. After all that, flight ended up being canceled, spent the night at a hotel in Raleigh because it wasn't worth the trek home with all our gear only to turn around again 6 hours later. Next day, got up and got to Seattle (I made that sound MUCH easier than it actually was). On the return trip, bad weather got us rerouted to Tulsa to sit and wait out thunderstorms in Dallas. By the time we got to Dallas, missed connection and last leg was so overbooked it wasn't even worth trying. So, again, hotel room. Nightmare travel for anyone... So, coming full circle with my story...I just got back from a quick weekend trip to Seattle to meet my fabulous new nephew Leandro...I traveled by myself. I had a small carryon with a book, couple of magazines, a sweater, and a snack (you know, in case I got stuck anywhere for extended amounts of time). My bag neatly fit under the seat in front of me with room to spare for my feet. I ordered a drink. Got to sip it while reading my book instead of slugging it down praying I could finish it before it was toppled over by a flailing baby hand. I small talked with my neighbors instead of apologizing. I got to use the bathroom with the door closed and locked because I didn't have to worry about fitting three people in a cramped space. I got to eat my entire snack and didn't even have to give up the KitKat to puppy eyes. I got to watch - as bad as it was - the inflight movie all the way through! I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep just because it felt so good and...I could. It was a wonderful, relaxing, travel experience. I don't know though...nothing beats watching the wonder and excitement of a child on an airplane...okay, maybe some peace and quiet and a drink with a good book, might beat that out, but only by a slight margin of course.

Had a great trip! Cheers to Michael and Cassia for making Jason and I such a fabulous, adorable, GOOD SLEEPER, nephew! He's a sweetie. Enjoy...before Dalton gets his hands on him. ; )

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