Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, the vet called today...I've cried an ocean.

The pathology results were "inconclusive" as there was not enough sample of bone. Of course the world "inconclusive" immediately screamed "IT'S NOT CANCER" to my ears. However, after a long talk with the vet, with me lobbing out all my internet doggie health site search results on the possibilities, it looks like all signs are pointing in a not so great direction. But, since the results were "inconclusive", that's exactly where we are..."inconclusive".

I hate this word. Inconclusive. I want answers...

So, we sit tight tonight. Give my dog a bone and lots of extra wet-teared hugs. Never thought I would be dealing with this just a month after saying good-bye to Bandit.


...please send tissues...

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