Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scarlett...Sick with Worry.

Up and down...Up and Down...My roller coaster. Sometimes I just want to hand someone a wrench, declare it broken, and say "work on this for a bit, I'll be right back".

So, the latest. Took our beloved Scarlett to the vet on Monday for what I originally thought was a bug bite down at the beach. Then, after reading on the Internet, decided it might be a possible tooth abscess so requested antibiotics just in case, because it would be several days before I could get her home to the vet. Eating fine. Drinking fine. All is fine.

Long story short...took x-rays of her mouth and she has a large growth in her jaw. Yes...growth...Yes...large. Not good...

Took biopsy and am awaiting pathology results in next few days. I am sick with worry.

NO! Bandit, you can't have her yet. I know you want her to come run and play with you and show off your new running legs in Dog Heaven, but please leave Scarlett here for me awhile longer. I really need her...

Saying prayers.

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