Monday, August 4, 2008

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!

Feeling HOT HOT HOT HOT...This is a song I am supposed to hum while sipping pina coladas on a white sand beach with the teal green surf lapping at my toes while a waiter quietly lowers the drink flag I raised only 2 minutes ago as he slips an ice rimmed beverage into my hand. Instead, I am singing this song as I stagger around my hot house with sweat dripping down - well, everywhere - and my children look like they have run through a sprinkler even though they haven't left the house and have been nowhere near water the the exception of the supervised hand washing. OUR AIR IS OUT! It's 97 degrees outside! People die in these kinds of conditions! Oh the horrors of it. So much for looking fresh. The only thing I have a hope to be fresh is my breath after a brushing with some Crest. But who cares because no one can get close enough to smell my breath since my clinical strength Secret can't even keep up. Anyway, thankfully just in time before the hallucinations stage sets in, help is on the way. Our A/C guy is going to rescue us. Of course, we could do without the piece of paper with dollars signs and numbers too far from the little decibel that comes with this saving, but at this point we are just thrilled A/C is coming soon! Wednesday!!! Hurrah! If the new A/C is NOT IN by some silly technicality by WEDNESDAY, I'm sure you'll read about us in the papers and see our pictures on the evening news. Just get your wallets out and please bail us out. We weren't in our right minds. By the way, air conditioning was invented in 1906 by a man named Carrier (some of you might have a Carrier). If you need to know anything about SEER numbers, Trane's, or Trains, just let me know. I may just be an expert. ; )

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