Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ringing in 2010!!!

What in the world is wrong with me? I went and neglected my blog again. Shame...shame...


Oh, well, its not like I've been cozying up with a box of bon-bons or anything. So, quick update...since October...

1. Moved to St. Louis.
2. Emerson takes the big yellow school bus to his new elementary school.
3. Dalton has no school yet.
4. Mommy is looking into padded rooms for self.
5. Looking into loan to pay for 3 year old preschool...yes, its that expensive.
6. Might have to sell horse and dogs too. Boxer anyone?
7. Had a Happy Thanksgiving in Springfield with the Wisemans. Saw my horse...she is fat and happy.
8. Husband turned 40.
9. Friends and family came to town. Had a blast...(and a break from Dalton).
10. Had a Merry Christmas.
11. Went to NC for NYE.
12. Brian turned 40 - celebrated NYE and had a great time until I got tackled...which was still fun but have a sore elbow and hip which is healing fine. Should be 100% by the time I get released from my padded room.
13. Came back to STL where it is REALLY &*(&( COLD!!!!
14. Awaiting first real SNOW tonight.
15. Found my computer in mess of boxes in office so should be able to update blog more often than every 3 months. ; )

Whew! Okay, you're caught up.

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